Results for 'J. Provetti Junior'

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  1.  18
    Da Natureza do Homem.J. Provetti Junior - 2015 - Páginas de Filosofía 7 (2):1-17.
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    Heidegger e a modernidade.Wanderley J. Ferreira Junior - 1998 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 3 (2).
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  3. A teoria dos dois sistemas de Kahneman.J. Moroni & Alfredo Pereira Junior - 2019 - Princípios 28:91-117.
    A Teoria dos Dois Sistemas, proposta por Kahneman (2011), pressupõe que a tomada de decisão no contexto econômico se baseia em dois sistemas, um que é automático, intuitivo e principalmente inconsciente e outro reflexivo, racional e totalmente consciente. Consideramos a abordagem kahnemaniana incompleta na medida em que a concepção dos sistemas 1 e 2 não é suficiente para explicar os processos de tomada de decisão. Neste artigo, nosso desafio é mostrar que, diferentemente dos sistemas de Kahneman, a tomada de decisão (...)
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    Governance Processes and Challenges for Reservation of Antimicrobials Exclusively for Human Use and Restriction of Antimicrobial Use in Animals.J. Scott Weese, Guilherme Antonio Da Costa Junior, Bruno Gonzalez-Zorn, Laura Y. Hardefeldt, Jorge Matheu, Gerard Moulin, Stephen W. Page, Ruby Singh, Junxia Song & Olafur Valsson - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (S2):55-63.
    The majority of antimicrobials that are produced are administered to animals, particularly food animals. While the overall impact of antimicrobial use in animals on antimicrobial resistance in humans and the environment is unclear, it undeniably has a role. Yet, some degree of antimicrobial use in animals is necessary for animal health and welfare purposes. Balancing the benefits and risks of antimicrobial use in animals is challenging because of the complexity of the problem and limitations in available data. However, a range (...)
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    Sustainability Reporting and Assurance: A Historical Analysis on a World-Wide Phenomenon.Renzo Mori Junior, Peter J. Best & Julie Cotter - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):1-11.
    Sustainability reporting and assurance of sustainability reports have been used by organizations in an attempt to provide accountability to their stakeholders. A better understanding of current practices is important to provide a base for comparative and trend analyses. This paper aims to consolidate and provide information on sustainability reporting, assurance of sustainability reports and types of assurance providers. Another aim of this paper is to provide a descriptive analysis of these practices for a global sample, comparing results with previous studies, (...)
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  6. Economic decision-making systems in critical times: The case of `Bolsa Familia' in Brazil.Alfredo Pereira Junior & J. Moroni - 2022 - Cognitive Computation and Systems 4 (3):304-315.
    Kahneman's theory of two systems assumes that human decision making in Economy is based on two cognitive systems, one that is automatic, intuitive and mostly unconscious, and one that is reflexive, rational and fully conscious. The authors consider Kahneman’s approach incomplete and limited in accounting for the creativity of embodied agents grasping the opportunities afforded by physical and social environments. This limitation leads us to argue for the existence of a third system in decision making in Economy, the creative intuition (...)
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  7. A Intuição Ecológica Criativa na Tomada de Decisão Econômica na Democracia: o caso do Banco Finapop.Alfredo Pereira Junior & J. Moroni - 2022 - Acta Scientiarum. Human and Social Sciences 44 (1):2-23.
    A teoria dos dois sistemas (Kahneman, 2011), em suas várias vertentes, assume que a tomada de decisão humana é baseada em dois sistemas cognitivos: um que é automático, rápido, agindo com mínimo esforço cognitivo, intuitivo (no sentido de Morewedge & Kahneman, 2010), e majoritariamente inconsciente; e outro que é reflexivo, lento, atuando com intenso esforço cognitivo, racional e totalmente consciente. Neste trabalho, investigamos a teoria dos dois sistemas e sua aplicação na tomada de decisão econômica em governos democráticos, com ênfase (...)
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  8. Condições de possibilidade para o pensar e oagir ético: a experiência da diferença e do outro.Wanderley J. Ferreira Júnior - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (3):13-33.
    Este texto analisa a experiência do pensar e do agir ético em tempos de morte do desejo de filosofar e do sujeito. Também o caráter da experiência de pensamento e a exigência de ruptura com uma determinada imagem do pensamento, consolidada pela própria tradição filosófica e por nossa prática como professores de filosofia e sujeitos éticos. Faz uma crítica à ética universal e à ideia de sujeito universal que lhe é subjacente num contexto em que se proclama a morte do (...)
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    O fim da filosofia na era cibernética.Wanderley J. Ferreira Junior - 2002 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 7 (2).
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  10. Heidegger Leitor de Nietzsche: a Metafísica da Vontade de Potência como Consumação da Metafísica Ocidental.Wanderley J. Ferreira Junior - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1).
    Aspectos básicos da leitura heideggeriana de Nietzsche. As possibilidades e as possíveis distorções operadas por tal interpretação em alguns conceitos fundamentais do pensamento nietzschiano. Num primeiro momento, explicitam-se as duas atitudes de Heidegger diante da história da filosofia e de seus principais pensadores, em momentos diferentes de seu pensamento. Em seguida,analisa-se, com um certo distanciamento crítico, em que sentido, conforme Heidegger, ocorre aconsumação da metafísica do sujeito pensante [Descartes] na metafísica da vontade de potência e na ideia de além do (...)
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    From Talent Identification to Novo Basquete Brasil (NBB): Multifactorial Analysis of the Career Progression in Youth Brazilian Elite Basketball.Dilson B. Ribeiro Junior, Francisco Z. Werneck, Hélder Z. Oliveira, Patrícia S. Panza, Sergio J. Ibáñez & Jeferson M. Vianna - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study examined individual, task, and environmental constraints that influence the career progression of youth Brazilian elite basketball players and the probability of reaching Novo Basquete Brasil and to determine if the association of the relative age effect is a key factor in the career progression. The sample consisted of 4,692 male players who were registered to participate in at least one U15, U17, or U22 youth Brazilian basketball championship between 2004 and 2018. Athletes who reached a high-performance level were (...)
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  12.  22
    Review of Flores-Júnior, O. La vie facile. Une lecture du cynisme ancien, Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin. (2021). [REVIEW]Maxime Chapuis & Olimar Flores-Júnior - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03304-03304.
    Review of Flores-Júnior, O. La vie facile. Une lecture du cynisme ancien, Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin. (2021).
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    A queda: um ensaio sobre o Discurso da Servidão Voluntária a partir de M. Chaui e J. Saramago.Newton de Andrade Branda Junior - 2022 - Cadernos Espinosanos 46:215-232.
    O presente ensaio apresenta como ponto de partida o conto "Cadeira", do escritor português José Saramago, para ilustrar a contínua atualidade do estudo "Amizade, recusa do servir" da professora e filósofa Marilena Chaui, publicado em 1982 pela editora Brasiliense como posfácio da obra "Discurso da servidão voluntária", de Étienne de La Boétie. Nossa intenção é partir da alegoria saramaguiana da queda da ditadura salazarista em Portugal para mostrar como o pensamento de La Boétie, especialmente quando analisado por Chaui, trespassa incólume (...)
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    Eudaimonia e Meio Ambiente No Pensamento de Rousseau: Harmonia Do Ser Humano e a Natureza.Pedro Calixto & Marcos Antonio J. S. Leal Junior - 2025 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):171-185.
    The present study analyses the relationship between human beings, society and nature from the thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau; European thinker inserted in a vast political-anthropological tradition that seeks to understand human existence, both in its essential and relational dimensions. In this sense, Rousseau highlights a contradiction: technical and cultural development, although necessary, can also lead to the degradation of nature and the human essence. Works such as Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, Discourse on the Origin and Foundation of Inequality (...)
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    HALL, J.; VITANOVA, G.; MARCHENKOVA, L.. Dialogue with Bakhtin on Second and Foreign Language Learning: New Perspectives [Diálogos com Bakhtin a respeito da aprendizagem de segunda língua ou de língua estrangeira: novas perspectivas]. Mahwah, New Jersey; London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. 241 p. [REVIEW]Orison Marden Bandeira de Melo Júnior - 2016 - Bakhtiniana 11 (2):207-214.
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  16. Em defesa de um conceito pluralista de felicidade, a partir de Stuart Mill.Sagid Salles & D. G. Alves Júnior - 2008 - Revista da Pesquisa and Pós-Graduação (UFOP) 8 (2):40-45.
    O objetivo deste texto é responder a uma objeção comum à doutrina utilitarista. Essa doutrina é comumente descrita como aquela que aceita que a ação moralmente correta é a que promove a maior felicidade possível para as pessoas envolvidas. A objeção que trabalhamos aqui nega a afirmação utilitarista de que a felicidade é o único fim da vida humana. Diferentes respostas podem ser formuladas de acordo com o modo que definimos o bem ou a felicidade. Sustentaremos que a versão da (...)
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    Effects of Nicotine Gum Administration on Vision (ENIGMA-Vis): Study Protocol of a Double-Blind, Randomized, and Controlled Clinical Trial.Thiago P. Fernandes, Jeffery K. Hovis, Natalia Almeida, Jandirlly J. S. Souto, Thiago Augusto Bonifacio, Stephanye Rodrigues, Gabriella Medeiros Silva, Michael Oliveira Andrade, Jessica Bruna Silva, Giulliana H. Gomes, Milena Edite Oliveira, Eveline Holanda Lima, Maria Eduarda Gomes, Marcos V. A. Junior, Mariana Lopes Martins & Natanael A. Santos - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  18. Differential vulnerability of substantia nigra and corpus striatum to oxidative insult induced by reduced dietary levels of essential fatty acids.Henriqueta D. Cardoso, Priscila P. Passos, Claudia J. Lagranha, Anete C. Ferraz, Eraldo F. Santos Júnior, Rafael S. Oliveira, Pablo E. L. Oliveira, Rita de C. F. Santos, David F. Santana, Juliana M. C. Borba, Ana P. Rocha-de-Melo, Rubem C. A. Guedes, Daniela M. A. F. Navarro, Geanne K. N. Santos, Roseane Borner, Cristovam W. Picanço-Diniz, Eduardo I. Beltrão, Janilson F. Silva, Marcelo C. A. Rodrigues & Belmira L. S. Andrade da Costa - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  19.  35
    Leader-Expressed Humility Predicting Team Psychological Safety: A Personality Dynamics Lens.Arménio Rego, Ana I. Melo, Dustin J. Bluhm, Miguel Pina E. Cunha & Dálcio Reis Júnior - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (3):669-686.
    In an application of the personality dynamics framework, we advance understanding on the relationship between baseline leader humility and team psychological safety by exploring the roles of humility variability and attractor strength. Specifically, we examine how the consistency of leader-expressed humility across team members operates as a boundary condition in the relationship between leader-expressed humility and team psychological safety. We also explore how the agreement between leader self-reported humility and leader-expressed humility operates as an attractor to predict such a consistency. (...)
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  20.  21
    Bioética e eugenia: pressupostos biopolíticos da manipulação genética.Luis Fernando Biasoli, André Brayner de Farias & Eduardo Borile Júnior - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (1):298-307.
    Based on the hypothesis that modified human beings will have successful life projects, the biopolitical presuppositions of genetic manipulation in modern society are reflected. Considering the theories presented by Michel Foucault, Jürgen Habermas, Michael J. Sandel, Hans Jonas and Achille Mbembe, a genetic Africanization of the economically disadvantaged population is identified. In this scenario, concepts of class and race are confused and social prejudice increases. Faced with the new technologies of genetic engineering, gene manipulation presents itself as a new face (...)
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  21.  25
    UK junior doctors’ strikes and patients with cancer: a morally questionable association.David J. P. Wilkinson - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):135-136.
    Doctors’ strikes are legally permissible in the UK, with the situation differing in other countries. But are they morally permissible? Doug McConnell and Darren Mann have systematically attempted to dismiss the arguments for the moral impermissibility of doctors’ strikes and creatively attempted to provide further moral justification for them. Unfortunately for striking doctors, they fail to achieve this. Meanwhile, junior doctors’ strikes have continued in the UK through 2023 and have now extended into 2024. In this response, which focuses (...)
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  22.  29
    Junior doctors and conscientious objection to voluntary assisted dying: ethical complexity in practice.Rosalind J. McDougall, Ben P. White, Danielle Ko, Louise Keogh & Lindy Willmott - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):517-521.
    In jurisdictions where voluntary assisted dying is legal, eligibility assessments, prescription and administration of a VAD substance are commonly performed by senior doctors. Junior doctors’ involvement is limited to a range of more peripheral aspects of patient care relating to VAD. In the Australian state of Victoria, where VAD has been legal since June 2019, all health professionals have a right under the legislation to conscientiously object to involvement in the VAD process, including provision of information about VAD. While (...)
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  23.  46
    Should junior doctors strike?Mark Toynbee, Adam A. J. Al-Diwani, Joe Clacey & Matthew R. Broome - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (3):167-170.
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  24. Junior High School Students' Perceptions of the United States and Selected Other Nations.S. S. Corbin & J. Zevin - 1997 - Journal of Social Studies Research 21:22-26.
  25.  37
    Assessing Ethical Reasoning among Junior British Army Officers Using the Army Intermediate Concept Measure (AICM).David I. Walker, Stephen J. Thoma & James Arthur - 2021 - Journal of Military Ethics 20 (1):2-20.
    Army Officers face increased moral pressure in modern warfare, where character judgement and ethical judgement are vital. This article reports the results of a study of 242 junior British Army officers using the Army Intermediate Concept Measure, comprising a series of professionally oriented moral dilemmas developed for the UK context. Results are suggestive of appropriate application of Army values to the dilemmas and of ethical reasoning aligning with Army excellence. The sample does slightly less well, however, for justification than (...)
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    (1 other version)Exemplary Middle and Junior High Science Programs: Student Outcomes in Knowledge, Attitudes and STS Applications.Bonnie J. Brunkhorst - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (5-6):813-824.
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    HIV testing of junior doctors: exploring their experiences, perspectives and accounts.L. R. Salkeld, S. J. McGeehan, E. Chaudhuri & I. M. Kerslake - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7):402-406.
    Objective: To explore the accounts and perspectives of junior doctors who were offered an HIV test by their employing National Health Service (NHS) trust and discuss ethical issues posed by this new policy. Design: Qualitative in-depth interview study. Setting: 4 NHS hospital trusts. Participants: 24 junior doctors who had been offered an HIV test as part of their pre-employment occupational health checks. Results: The manner in which HIV tests were offered to junior doctors varied both between and (...)
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    Being 'one cog in a bigger machine': a qualitative study investigating ethical challenges perceived by junior doctors.R. J. McDougall - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (2):85-90.
    There is increasing recognition among bioethicists that health-care practitioners' everyday ethical challenges ought to be the focus of ethical analysis. Interviews were conducted with Australian junior doctors to identify some of the kinds of situations that they found ethically challenging, as a basis for this type of grounded philosophical analysis and for further empirical research into junior doctors' ethical issues. Fourteen doctors in their first to fourth year of work from six hospitals in Melbourne participated. Issues discussed included (...)
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    Antigone. An account of the presentation of the Antigone of Sophocles at the Leland Stanford Junior University, April 17th and 19th, 1902. Paul Elder and Company. San Francisco, 1903. [REVIEW]J. E. Case - 1904 - The Classical Review 18 (03):178-.
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    Junior Latin Unseens. By J. M. Milne. Harrap. 10d.W. E. P. Pantin - 1925 - The Classical Review 39 (1-2):44-.
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    Junior Latin Tests. By J. M. Milne, M.A., D.Litt. Pp. 96. London: Harrap, 1928. Sewed, 1s.W. G. Waddell - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (05):203-.
  32.  2
    The Examiner Examined; Or, Logic Vindicated: Addressed to the Junior Students of the University of Oxford.Edward Copleston, R. Bliss, J. Cooke, James MacKinley & J. Munday - 1809 - Printed for the Author, : And Sold by J. Cooke, J. Parker, M. And R. Bliss, and J. Munday; and by J. Mackinley, Strand, London.
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    Measuring Perceived Research Competence of Junior Researchers.Sarah A. Marrs, Carla Quesada-Pallarès, Korinthia D. Nicolai, Elizabeth A. Severson-Irby & J. Reinaldo Martínez-Fernández - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Graduates of doctoral programs are expected to be competent at designing and conducting research independently. Given the level of research competence needed to successfully conduct research, it is important that assessors of doctoral programs have a reliable and validated tool for measuring and tracking perceived research competence among their students and graduates. A high level of research competence is expected for all Ph.D. graduates worldwide, in addition to in all disciplines/fields. Moreover, graduates of Ph.D. programs may complete their studies in (...)
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  34. The Missing Link / Monument for the Distribution of Wealth (Johannesburg, 2010).Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei & Jonas Staal - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):242-252.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 242—252. Introduction The following two works were produced by visual artist Jonas Staal and writer Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei during a visit as artists in residence at The Bag Factory, Johannesburg, South Africa during the summer of 2010. Both works were produced in situ and comprised in both cases a public intervention conceived by Staal and a textual work conceived by Van Gerven Oei. It was their aim, in both cases, to produce complementary works that could (...)
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    Mentors, advisors and supervisors: Their role in teaching responsible research conduct.Stephanie J. Bird - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):455-468.
    Although the terms mentor and thesis advisor (or research supervisor) are often used interchangeably, the responsibilities associated with these roles are distinct, even when they overlap. Neither are role models necessarily mentors, though mentors are role models: good examples are necessary but not sufficient. Mentorship is both a personal and a professional relationship. It has the potential for raising a number of ethical concerns, including issues of accuracy and reliability of the information conveyed, access, stereotyping and tracking of advisees, and (...)
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  36.  16
    Who Do Men Say That I Am? [REVIEW]J. B. D. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (1):153-153.
    This book is a sort of junior search for the historical Jesus. The authoress throws in a dash of dialectic by interlarding the cursory text with questions for the reader. The presentation of complex exegetical and theological problems is so oversimplified that this book should prove equally embarrassing for both the liberals and the orthodox.—D. J. B.
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  37. Ethical Attitudes of Accounting Practitioners: Are Rank and Ethical Attitudes Related?Stephen J. Conroy, Tisha L. N. Emerson & Frank Pons - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):183-194.
    We address a previous finding in the business ethics literature in which accounting professionals in higher rank levels, i.e., “manager” or “partner” of auditing firms, appear to have lower moral reasoning ability than their junior counterparts. Prior investigations have relied upon a similar methodology for estimating ethical beliefs, namely testing “moral reasoning ability” using either the Moral Judgment Interview or Defining Issues Test. In the present study, we use a multiple vignettes approach to test for the existence of the (...)
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  38.  41
    The scandal of unfair behaviour of senior faculty.E. J. Wagena - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (5):308-308.
    Academia bases reputation and standing on the number of published articles. As a result, the abilities and potential of researchers are also being judged by the number of articles they write, as well as on the impact factor of the journals in which their articles are being published. In itself this is not a problem, although one could of course question the assumption that the quantity of the output reflects the competence of individual researchers. As Altman has stated: “The length (...)
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    An introduction to proof through real analysis.Daniel J. Madden - 2017 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Edited by Jason A. Aubrey.
    An engaging and accessible introduction to mathematical proof incorporating ideas from real analysis A mathematical proof is an inferential argument for a mathematical statement. Since the time of the ancient Greek mathematicians, the proof has been a cornerstone of the science of mathematics. The goal of this book is to help students learn to follow and understand the function and structure of mathematical proof and to produce proofs of their own. An Introduction to Proof through Real Analysis is based on (...)
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    Personal and Social Correlates of the ‘Closed Mind’ among 16 Year Old Adolescents in England.Leslie J. Francis - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (3):429-437.
    A sample of 711 16 year old adolescents completed an Anglicised form of the Dommert revision of the Rokeach Dogmatism Scale, together with the Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory and Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices. They also provided information about church attendance, personal prayer and paternal occupation. The data demonstrate that higher dogmatism scores are associated with lower IQ scores, lower social class backgrounds, higher neuroticism scores, higher lie scale scores and being male. No correlation was found between dogmatism scores and (...)
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    Pentecostal leadership disputes in Zimbabwe: A pastoral challenge.Zephania Mundhluri & Maake J. Masango - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (3):6.
    Conflicts in the Pentecostal church leadership have been growing since time immemorial. However, leadership disputes have become traumatic and tragic in Zimbabwe to the extent that junior pastors are committing suicide and killing each other because of these conflicts. The article uses the practical theological framework to explore the complex intersections of conflict within the Pentecostal church, analysing the various factors and dynamics contributing to these conflicts. This work examines and addresses the ramifications of a leadership conflict within the (...)
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  42. Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: A Course Outline.William J. Rapaport - 1986 - Teaching Philosophy 9 (2):103-120.
    In the Fall of 1983, I offered a junior/senior-level course in Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, in the Department of Philosophy at SUNY Fredonia, after returning there from a year’s leave to study and do research in computer science and artificial intelligence (AI) at SUNY Buffalo. Of the 30 students enrolled, most were computerscience majors, about a third had no computer background, and only a handful had studied any philosophy. (I might note that enrollments have subsequently increased in the Philosophy (...)
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    Mitchell H. Miller: Plato's Parmenides: The Conversion of the Soul. [REVIEW]J. A. Towey - 1988 - American Journal of Philology 109:600-602.
    A review of Plato's Parmenides, The Conversion of the Soul, by Mitchell H. Miller Junior. The Parmenides is seen as offering readers a chance to appropriate fully by critical and conceptual inquiry what was given in the Republic in the modes of image and analogy.
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    Ontologies of professional legal knowledge as the basis for intelligent IT support for judges.V. R. Benjamins, J. Contreras, P. Casanovas, M. Ayuso, M. Becue, L. Lemus & C. Urios - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (4):359-378.
    In this paper, we describe the use of legal ontologies as a basis to improve IT support for professional judges. As opposed to most legal ontologies designed so far, which are mostly based on dogmatic and normative knowledge, we emphasize the importance of professional knowledge and experience as an important pillar for constructing the ontology. We describe an intelligent FAQ system for junior judges that intensively use the ontology.
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    Resistant to the message: are pupils unreceptive to teachers' anti-bullying initiatives and if so why?Michael J. Boulton & Richard Boulton - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (5):485-489.
    Despite three decades of research and development of anti-bullying intervention, this form of systematic aggression continues to be common in schools. The present study investigated if a contributing factor might be that some pupils are unreceptive to teachers? anti-bullying lessons. It invited 8?11?-year-old junior school pupils (N?=?227) to indicate if this was the case, and if so, to give their reasons. Many did indicate being unreceptive (81.9%). The most common reason was ?It is not for me because I don?t (...)
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    Last orders at the bar? Competition, choice and justice for all - the impact of solicitor-advocacy.G. Hanlon & J. D. Jackson - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (4):555-582.
    This article attempts to locate the solicitor-advocacy reforms in the UK in the context of wider New Right led reforms of the welfare state and suggests that such reforms are part of a broader package aimed at weakening social democracy, encouraging the use of the market as an allocation mechanism and instilling 'efficiency' within and control over the professions. On the basis of interviews with organizational clients in Scotland, it is argued that the reforms may have a significant impact upon (...)
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    The Death of Comedy (Book).Kenneth J. Reckford - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (4):641-644.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.4 (2002) 641-644 [Access article in PDF] Erich Segal. The Death of Comedy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001. xiv + 589 pp. Cloth, $35. "In a grand tour of comic theater over the centuries," says the jacket blurb, "Erich Segal traces the evolution of the classical form from its beginnings... to Samuel Beckett. With fitting wit, profound erudition lightly worn, and instructive [End Page (...)
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    Sites of Lost Memory: Malika Mokeddem and the Necessity of Writing.Timothy J. Reiss - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 67 (1):81-99.
    The Algerian writer Malika Mokeddem embeds her novels in the geography of a desert that belongs ever more to the past of the nomadic immediate ancestors of her main characters. Object of nostalgic yearning, this desert past and the nomads peopling it also necessitate flight, especially for women, trapped there in a patriarchal culture and society whose violence has been perpetuated into that of contemporary Algeria - also often aimed against women. Besides a few strong older women able to take (...)
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  49.  43
    D H R Patio Homes, LLC and Snowy Mountains, LLC:1 Who Goes There? Friend or Foe?H. Sherman & D. J. Rowley - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (2):99-119.
    This is a field-based disguised case which describes a dilemma faced by the protagonists; do they continue to do business with a land developer who has assisted them in the past when now the developer chooses to, against their recommendations, also do business with their ex-business partner? The problem for the characters in question is whether or not to work on a project that will yield them a net profit of $4 million dollars given the fact it would require them (...)
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  50.  66
    Enhancing Communication & Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Research.Michael O'Rourke, Stephen Crowley, Sanford D. Eigenbrode & J. D. Wulfhorst (eds.) - 2013 - Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
    Enhancing Communication & Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Research, edited by Michael O'Rourke, Stephen Crowley, Sanford D. Eigenbrode, and J. D. Wulfhorst, is a volume of previously unpublished, state-of-the-art chapters on interdisciplinary communication and collaboration written by leading figures and promising junior scholars in the world of interdisciplinary research, education, and administration. Designed to inform both teaching and research, this innovative book covers the spectrum of interdisciplinary activity, offering a timely emphasis on collaborative interdisciplinary work. The book’s four main parts focus (...)
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